Wednesday 9th October

 We saw the great Tony Bennett singing on the NBC Today show.

 Images from  the 'Top of the Rock'.

 Images from Central Park. 

We were joined for the day by our family's good friend, Chris Berger. Chris lives in the US and is a lot of fun!

The Dakota building where John Lennon was killed.
 Central Park's memorial to John Lennon is called Strawberry Fields.
Today was John Lennon's birthday and he would have been 73. Every year on his birthday, people gather in Strawberry Fields and sing Beatles and Lennon songs. We were lucky to be there!

For the Kozlowski boys - big Beatles and Lennon fans - this was a truly special day. It was very emotional and we will never forget it. Thank you New York!!!!!!

 The 'Friends' fountain.

 All six of us did a tour of Harlem that culminated in us viewing a Gospel Church service. What an experience!
Our tour guide, the 85 year old Andy. What a character!

 We walked along Malcolm X boulevard. 
 With the gentrification of Harlem these homes, the best in the area, are worth $5 million.
 Our tour guide had created his own mini-museum.

 The church we visited. We were not allowed to take photos inside but it was as you see in the movies and TV. There was singing by a full gospel choir, clapping, dancing and preaching.

 This adorns the Harlem hospital.
We finished the night with dinner at Jimbo's Hamburger. We did the tour with lifelong friends of ours, Gary and Helen.

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