Tuesday 24th September

 Waiting for our shuttle to San Diego. How's this for a ute?
 Our transport to San Diego.
Both the photo above and below were taken at the drop-off hotel. The is one of the few seal rehabilitation centres in San Diego.

 The Catamaran Resort. Our home for the next few days.

 Our room.
 The views to the left and right from our balcony.

 These Macaws call The Catamaran Resort home.

 In the lobby.
 Our resort faces Sail Bay.

 The streets of San Diego.

I did it. I found a good coffee in America. The place is called Caffe Bella Italia and when Kate told them what I said, they all cheered.

The resort is full of flowers like this one.

 I took a walk by myself and found this mural on the wall of a burger place called Five Guys.
 The first baseball field I have come across.
 I'm smiling because a six-pack of Corona cost me $6.

We ate at Big Kahuna's. I'm eating the Big Kahuna burger which Samuel L Jackson's character tastes in Pulp Fiction. It's as delicious as he says.


  1. Luke on land= normal boy
    Luke in water= Dolphin Boy!
