Monday 14th October

 Waiting for our first cable car ride.
 They push them into place.

 This guy takes his nationality seriously.

 The homes of San Francisco are works of art.

 The cable cars coming from the opposite direction get pretty close.

 We took a bus to Golden Gate Park which is larger than New York's Central Park.
 Hello Vera. . . . . . . I mean Aloe Vera.

 This is inside the park.

 We experienced an earthquake the size of the devastating 1906 San Francisco earthquake.
San Francisco after this earthquake.
This is inside the planetarium. That red area is the screen which covers the entire ceiling. We watched a film on the cosmos.

 The creation of the moon.
 A solar storm.
The meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs would have looked something like this.

 An albino aligator.
 Amazing marine life was on display in the aquariums. 

 Hands on. 
Underneath the 3 story rainforest that has been created. What you can see above the kids are fish of the rainforest.  

 You can place your fingers here and feel what it's like to be given a shock from an electric eel.

 We felt what it was like to have our arm constricted by an anaconda.

 The park was the first in America to have such a memorial.

 We continued on through the park.

 This is actually a concrete slide that kids go down on pieces of cardboard.
 As we left the park, we saw all of these people sitting around who looked like hippies. Turns out, that we were entering the neighbourhood of Haight-Ashbury, which was the birthplace of America's counter-culture in the 1960s. You will see from the images below that the spirit of this era lives on here.

We moved on to the suburb of Russian Hill to see the world's crookedest street. It's not, but they call it this anyway.
 We had to walk up this first.

 Looking back down the street we had to climb.
 Here it is, the section of Lombard Street called, the "Crookedest Street".

How's this for a facade.
 Look closely, it is a shirt.
 Recognise this?

 Shrimp, three ways.


  1. One day and you did so much! Shrimp looks nearly as good ad clam chowder! Love the kids in the peace placards

  2. So lovely to see 4 happy faces so consistently What a trip but do come home eventually wouldn't blame you if you stayed another month cause I enjoy the blogs
