Thursday 10th October

Luke is hoping this officially makes him a 
New Yorker.

 Don't do it James.
 Grandma and Papa bought Luke these shoes. He is now a 'Home Boy'.

 Images of Union Square.
This is a piece of artwork. The numbers are a clock. Google it to see how to read it. Don't ask me what the other bit represents.
 Rows of chess players willing to teach or play anyone.

 We were meeting our friends, Serafim and Irene who live in New York, at this restaurant.

 My entree. 
 My main meal.
 My dessert.
We had a fantastic night!!! They lived in Australia and we developed a friendship but we have not seen them for 10 years since they moved back to the US. We had such a good time that I am a bit sad that we live so far apart. They are a very big reason to come back to New York. Thank you Irene and Serafim. Your generosity and friendship is cherished!!!!!!! We will definitely keep in touch.

 The Empire State.
Irene and Serafim's apartment building in New York.

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