Wednesday 25th September

 The Gaslamp Quarter in downtown San Diego.
 I just had to buy her this top. Little Miss America
 Kate & Luke selected a gelato from this impressive collection.

 Each statue showed a different letter in sign language.
 They call these 'trolleys' and are an efficient way to get around San Diego.
 An artificial turf 'pitstop' for dogs. Not you Luke!
 The following photos are of the Martin Luther King Jr Memorial.

 The photo above is explained by the photo below.

Notice the number 9. Pedestrian lights in America count down the seconds until you can no longer cross the street.
 The USS Midway. A de-comissioned aircraft carrier that is now a restored museum. Irene, Luke and I took the tour. Anastasia and Kate went shopping.

 Top Gun

 Irene and Luke argue battle plans in the State Room.
 Midway was used in the first Gulf War and this room was full of real information used at that time.
 Captain Kozlowski
 In the distance you can see 2 huge nuclear powered aircraft carriers. The latest aircraft carrier will cost $16 billion.
 At least we are pointing in the same direction.

 The F/A-18 Hornet is in good hands with these pilots.

 Back to the Gaslamp Quarter for dinner.
 They're not drinking cordial!!!
 Black and red nachos corn chips.

As we were walking back to catch the trolley home, I noticed the lights on at this stadium. Luke and I looked at one another, and a few seconds later we are off to our first 'Ball Game'. Outside the stadium, I was given two tickets by someone passing by who couldn't use them.
 We watched the San Diego Padres Vs the Arizona Diamond Backs

 After each innings, people come out and sweep the dirt until it is smooth.
 We saw the Padres hit several home runs.

 We won!!!!


  1. Looks really interesting. Lucky you to get the tickets. The Martin king memorial looks really moving. Give everyone a hug from me. Your blog is great..................(but mine
    is just slightly mine doesn't have pictures of my beautiful grandchildren in it!)

  2. How awesome that you unexpectedly went to the baseball. How fun

  3. Thuis is so great what a holiday just love the pics

  4. anonymous is Ma don't know what othe r profile to touch confused elderly !!!!!
