Thursday 26th September

 A dolphin experience at Sea World in San Diego

 Feeding the Manta Rays.

 Riding the Manta Ray.

am the eggman, they are the eggmen. I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob.

 A replica of a polar bear's den.
 Beluga Whale

 Magnificent Orcas!!!

 A legless lizard.
 Journey to Atlantis ride.

 Off to dinner in Old Town. We are seeking genuine Mexican food.

 Found the real deal. Delicious.


  1. Looks like some experiences you'll never forget. That dolphin swim looks amazing Kate, you'll never forget that! Luke you look like a real homeboy...go the padres! Camera looks like its coming up to expectations, love the a toon shots! Keep enjoying...even your Birthday ( see didn't mention your age)!!!!!

  2. Happy Birthday mate for 29th San Diego looks great Kate stop kissing dolphins what gt fun you had now looking at your blog its lovely
