Sunday 6th October

 Grand Central Station

 On the subway heading downtown.

 The urban garden. 
 Luke was brought into this street show.
 The guy flipped over him.

I still get excited about seeing one. He/she has an acorn in his/her mouth which he/she buried when I moved closer to him/her.

 Can you spot the kids?
 The charging bull of the financial district.

 I'm not going to say anything!
 On Broadway Street heading towards Wall Street.

 The NY Stock Exchange

 The Trinity Church.

 The info below explains this sculpture.

 He is buried in the church cemetery.

 We visited the 9/11 museum and memorial.
 The window of one of the planes.

 A piece of steel that sheared in two.

 A paper crane that Sadako actually made was donated by her family to the museum.
Kate wrote a tribute to go on the tribute wall.
 The new Tower 4.
 All of the firefighters that lost their lives on 9/11.

 The South Tower memorial.

 The new Tower 1.
 The 'Survivor Tree'. The only tree in the area to survive 9/11.
Cherish each day!!!!!!!


  1. Great day..... But my feet are killing me!!!

  2. The Charging Bull definitely did not have a pair of "crumbnuts"! I did not realise how detailed the sculpture is.....had only ever seen it from the other end! Leah

  3. Yes Ispotted the kids Just love the sycamore tree story filledup at the letter to wife a sentimental city with a heart emotional love all Ma
