Sunday 22nd September

Moses found a new pair of shoes for Luke

Waiting for our shuttle to Disneyland to arrive.
Here it is.
This is our hotel - The California Disneyland Resort situated between both parks.
We'll soon find out.
Inside the Great Hall of our hotel.

Downtown Disneyland
Just inside the entrance.

An iconic ride.
Just after I took the shot he removed it. What does he win?
Hey Jen, clam chowder.

The world's biggest churros.
Splash Mountain
Do we look scared?
Kate Juliet Kozlowski
Luke Indiana Kozlowski Jones
Home for the next couple of days.

The view from our balcony.
 Getting ready for Halloween.
 Disneyland at night.

 Luke and I after the Space Mountain ride.
 The Disneyland fireworks display.


  1. Looks fabulous. The fireworks are great.You're doing a great job capturing the moments.

  2. wow wow wowwhat else ca n

    Wow wow wow what else can I say !!!!!!!!!!!
