Wednesday 2nd October

Rock Creek National Park which our hotel overlooks.
The info above relates to the mural below which is a short walk from our hotel on the way to Adams Morgan.

The street we walked along to Adams Morgan.

Adams Morgan is a culturally diverse area that is considered the centre of Washington's Hispanic community.
Next stop Foggy Bottom.
The entrance to Arlington National Cemetery in the state of Virginia.

You will know who said these words during his inaugural address.

Arlington House which was once the home of Confederate General Robert E. Lee.
The Pentagon. 
A view down towards the Lincoln Memorial. To the right is the Washington Monument and further to the right the US Capitol.
They have maintained the garden from Robert E. Lee's time and this photo is of 2 cotton plants.

We walked past a military funeral and heard the 3 volley salute and the playing of 'Taps'. Taps is a musical piece played at dusk and funerals on the bugle or trumpet by the US military.
The memorial for the astronauts of the Challenger disaster.
For the armed forces who died trying to rescue the hostages in Iran.
A less detailed one for the crew of the Columbia.
Arlington Memorial Amphitheater houses the Tomb of the Unknowns.

In WWI the US and other nations presented the Unknown with their highest awards.
The Potomac River which was saw many epic battles during the American Civil War.
The Lincoln Memorial.

Reflecting Pool leading up to the Washington Monument. The monument is being repaired after cracking during the 2011 earthquake.

This Albert Einstein memorial is special to me because I have just read a fantastic biography of him.
The US Federal Reserve building. Anastasia and the kids were so excited!!!
We saw 5 squirrels in a ten minute period walking from the Lincoln Memorial to The White House. Beat that Mum!!!
I couldn't understand why the Secret Service would have the words 'secret service' on their vehicles.

This is the escalator that takes us back up to the street near our hotel. The photo does not exaggerate the incline. It gave Anastasia vertigo.
How can you beat finishing the day with Baskin Robbins?


  1. Only a Ben and Jerry's will beat that!! I agree with Anastasia about the escalators. Bet you all slept soundly after the walking you did today. Thinking of you and at least there aren't many crowds to spoil your you thought of Frorrest Gump when you were at the pool!

  2. I agree that Ben and Jerry's beats Baskin Robbins, Loz. It is a great-looking statue of Einstein. I am surprised you were able to see Arlington Cemetery with the shut down, which is not looking like ending any time soon.

  3. So much history am seeing so many places I ve read about Thank you for showing them to me so many memorials so beautifully set out well done America keep enjoying it all love MA xxxx

  4. So as i was saying... OH LOOK! A SQUIRREL!
