Tuesday 15th October

 A cruise on the bay.


 Lunch for Luke.
 Take a close look at his paws.

 He decided to join us for lunch and was a couple of inches away.

 Luke got to touch a shark. 

 River Otters. 

 We took a ride on this down to the 'Exploratorium'.

 The Exploratorium had the most awesome hands-on science displays.

 Magnetic black sand.
 Guess what is happening here?
 Take a close look.

 Got them where I want them. 
 This is called a mirror sketch.

 What's happening to his brain?

 They were pedalling to generate enough energy to turn things on. 
 You could examine a chicken embryo and see its heart beating.


  1. Every parent should have a crib! Or maybe Alcatraz would do! Love Papa.

  2. A day of illusions. My favourite so far. Loving your photos. Chris
