Thursday 19th September

Our hotel - The Magic Castle. You can't have too much yellow.

The 'Hop-on, Hop-off' bus on our way to Santa Monica and Venice Beach

Sunset Boulevard

A blurred image of the Viper Room where River Phoenix died.

Luckily, the bus is not allowed to stop on Rodeo Drive.

Enough said!

Where's David Hasselhoff?

Venice Beach. Home to the weird and wacky.

Lunch at Venice Beach

 Selling for strictly medicinal purposes.

Luke can't get enough pizza.

The famous 'Snake Man of Venice Beach'. He now has an apprentice.

Obviously, they are protecting and serving somewhere else.

This section of Venice Beach is known as 'Muscle Beach'. I took the photo from the stands which face the stage for muscle men competitions.

This is the school field for a high school in LA.

In the distance you can see the Hollywood sign which turns 90 this year. The smog in LA is incredible.

Dinner at a place known as 'Buffalo Wild Wings'. I ate some spicy wings that nearly blew my head off.

We made a late visit to this store just before it closed. All the pictures below are from inside the store. We will be going back tomorrow.

Eminem out of M&Ms

Anyone for a snack?

These toilets dispensed 'candy'.

Where's Willie?


  1. great photos and happy people all fine here what day and that lolly shop wow much love xx

  2. you all look happy...obviously over the jet lag! Don't fancy that snake guy at all great isn't it James, hope you enjoy it as such as I am enjoying mine! Love and hugs to all.

  3. I reckon Luke and u researched the hotel and saw the eels colours!! Great choice. Damo would be jealous of those spicy wings and the M & M's

  4. Chocolate... mmmmmmmmmm
