Tuesday 8th October

 We are off on the Staten Island Ferry.

 The Great Lady.
 Staten Island
 The Verrazano Narrows Bridge.

 Ellis Island which was America's largest immigrant inspection station between 1892 and 1954.

 Kate fell in love with this sniffer dog.

 Rockefeller Centre ice rink is being prepared.

 I have an American flag fetish, I know.

 I didn't know that Kate loved Matt Lauer.
 On this corner, the famous photo of Marilyn Monroe and 'that dress' was taken.
 We saw Annie on Broadway with Anthony Warlow playing Daddy Warbucks.
 Her Annie locket.

 Luke sat next to this guy, Lucas Cruikshank, who is a kids TV star. Apparently the girl is too.

 Dinner on Broadway after the show.

 How New York is this image!!!! 
 Getting ready for the Italian festival.

1 comment:

  1. Loved the Annie story and a good ending !!! xxMa
