Thursday 17th October

 Guard Tower.

 The recreation yard.
Al Capone is furthest on the left.

Luke and Kate in the Hole.

 Many of the men learned to crochet or engage in other craft/art pursuits.
 This was not a separate room but in the general population area.
 San Francisco was so tantalisingly close. 
 The guards' control room.
This was the escape attempt portrayed in the movie Escape from Alcatraz, starring Clint Eastwood.

 The dining area.
 The kitchen.
 This was done so that they would know if knives went missing.

Luke met former Alcatraz inmate, William Baker. He signed the book he wrote about his experiences for Luke.

 The first 4 are of the San Francisco Bay Area and the last two are of LA.


  1. There was an interview with the former Alcatraz inmate--the one you met, I think--on NPR this week. He was spending the night in his old cell with a female reporter, trying to come to terms with his past. So you were there at the right time. Again! You've had a great trip, and I have impatiently waited for you to post your blog each night. I'm going to miss it. Chris
