Friday 27th September

Luke, Kate and Irene went off to San Diego Zoo for the day. Kate took these great pictures with her little camera.

 Anastasia and I went and had a seafood lunch down at San Diego Bay near the Seaport Village.

An example of the signs in San Diego that are in English and Spanish.
 This is a tribute to Bob Hope.
A statue of the iconic photograph taken in New York at the end of WW2. Don't know why it's in San Diego.
 Now . . . . what will we have?

 Views from our table.

 Hey Jen, I started with the clam chowder!!!!
 Anastasia chose this for a starter.
 Main course for me. Forgot to take a shot of Anastasia's meal, which was delicious fish.

 This is where we had lunch.

 Seaport Village.
 A bit different to Sydney's train stations.


  1. Kate...well done on your photos....and go the clam chowder..........

  2. I could write something but I can't because I'm off to find clams
