Monday 7th october

 The NY cab race.
 Throughout the city, in between your standard buildings, are remarkable pieces of architecture.

 Donald Trump is stamped all over this city. 
This street was closed off, and emergency services were racing about, as this crane got stuck lifting a massive box.
 I made Dad try on some hats. This was my favourite.

 This was the first photo I took in Brooklyn. The teacher in me came out.
 The parking officer didn't think much of this parking effort.
 How's this for a parking solution?
We headed down to Borough Park in Brooklyn - often spelled Boro Park - which is known as the Jewish Quarter. It is home to one of the largest Orthodox Jewish communities outside of Israel.

 Notice the Hebrew writing on the side of the school bus.

 The street leading up to the main shopping area.

 A Brooklyn Squirrel. 
 I took this picture because my Great Great Grandfather was Jewish. His surname was Frankel.

The main Orthodox community in this areas is Hasidic. Some of the women shave their heads and most wear wigs to cover their real hair. We saw two wig shops along the one street.

The average number of children in Hasidic families in this area is 6.5, making Borough Park a  fast growing area.
 Hasidic Jews.
We had a drink and a bite to eat at a Jewish run pizza place. The staff were very friendly and one of the customers spoke to us for over half an hour. He spoke freely about his religion and was very interested in us.

Obviously, this house did not belong to an Orthodox Jew.


  1. That photo you took of the group of Jewish men was fantastic! Could definitely have run that in the paper!
