Saturday 12th October

 The Rockies from the air on our way to San Francisco.

These are the salt ponds of San Francisco viewed from the plane. The different colours are the result of the types of micro-organisms in the ponds.

 I think we are in for some culture. These were part of an art display in the airport. This car is made out of foam.

 Candlestick Park, home to the San Francisco 49ers. Luke and I have tickets to a game tomorrow.

 We approach the city.
 Not the Golden Gate but the Bay Bridge.
 Buses get around on these wires as well as the trolley cars.

 We are staying at Fisherman's Wharf and headed down to Pier 39 for dinner.

 An aligator made out of sourdough.
 Question: Is this a sillier way for tourists to get around than on a Segway?


  1. More and More and More I am going to miss these blogs so much wow xxMa
